"CHECK IT OUT - "A Celebration of Life"

Prostate Cancer
Robert Goulet mastered many challenging roles in a career that spanned for over half a century. But his most formidable was that of a real-life survivor of prostate cancer. Diagnosed in 1993 with the disease, Mr. Goulet played a leading role among our nation's celebrities in being the first to break the silence that has kept prostate health from getting the attention it deserves. In addition to his very busy schedule as an actor and an entertainer, he made visits to communities and donated his time and talent to drive home the importance of early detection and healthy lifestyle. Mr. Goulet emphasized the importance of early detection and encouraged men 40 and older to take control of their health by getting a routine prostate screening, both digital and PSA test. Whenever his busy schedule permitted he made public and television appearances speaking on awareness and early detection of this silent killer. Despite the health challenges in his life the charismatic award-winning actor/entertainer maintained the same grueling schedule in films, television, concert and theater and enchanted audiences throughout the world until the very end. His inspirational lectures as a keynote speaker in an "A Celebration of Life" stressed the importance of early detection and healthy lifestyle.
Mr. Goulet's motto was - "Check it out".