fan's room



Dear Robert,

Just caught the news of your dilemma. My God dear friend, how did those scars ever come to this?
Am praying for you and Vera for strength and comfort at this delicate time.

Here's to acquiring that new lung and renewed breath support for that glorious voice!

Love, John Visser


May your French-Canadian roots help you fight off this thing (my mom was
also a F-C born in Lawrence in 1908)



I havent seen anything about this on Entertainment Tonight or the other news shows. You should contact them so they could do a story on Roberts condition.

J. Close


Dear Mrs Goulet,
I have loved Bob for years and always looked forward to seeing him when in Vegas with my friends the Orlandos in the 90s.I am a 45 yr old breast cancer survivor of 2 years.I am a non smoker with a set of healthy lungs.If I could be a potential doner,I would be honored to help out.I mean,id have one left so why not share!!My contact infos below if considered.My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Tami Howard


Robert & Vera,

I just saw Robert not too long ago on PBS and he was singing "To Dream the
Impossible Dream" From Man of La Mancha! Now Robert you have been given a
new quest and star to follow that will make your DREAM COME TRUE!




Dear Mr. and Mrs. Goulet:

We know and share your fear and pain with this terrible disease. It also ravages my husband. Although we were given no hope regarding the outcome, we believe our faith, love, and guidance to use some natural remedies in addition to the medical interventions is what keeps my husband with us. Only God and time will tell if we are on the correct path with this insidious monster.

Know you are not alone and that you will be in our prayers through this time of severe trial.

Kacey and Ted
Port Orchard, WA



Dear Vera,
I just want you to know that we are all praying for Robert's
recovery.I will be playing Roberts music everyday at English Garden
until his recovery and return home.Please take care.

Sincerely, David.


Hope you have a transplant real soon and on the road again.




In the first place I´m sending Hello to you. I hope, you´re doing well. My name is Robert. I collect autographs.

Send to me, PLEASE, one of your pictures, or cards with your signature. Beforehand I thank you very, very much.

I wish you from whole my heart all the best to you, your family and friends.

sincerely Robert


Dear Robert and Vera,

We are all praying for Robert's speedy and full recovery. Stay strong, may God be with you and your family.

Gregory Saffady
St. Clair Shores, Michigan


Warmest wishes for a quick recovery.

Jim Greenslate
Ashland, Ky.


Hey, Robert!

Hang in there and get well soon! When you're back on your feet and beautifying the world again with your singing, stop by in Madison and I'll buy you a cold beer and one of the best steaks you'll ever have!

Thanks for all the wonderful entertainment you've given me over the years. Everything you sing, God smiles!

Love and best wishes to you and your family!

--Jack Robertson


To Mr. Goulet~
I have been a fan of yours since I was a child and my love of singing and musical performance was rooted in hearing your beautiful voice. I was so lucky to hear you perform in Camelot, a few years back. I cried the entire time I was disbelief of actually hearing your voice in person.

I am praying for a lung to become available and any other medical treatments that can assist you. And I am praying for your family, during this very scary and stressful time. God be with you all... Hang in there, Mr. G ~ We're not ready to let your voice become a memory.

Charlotte, NC


Dear Vera,
We are not sure if Robert will get to see our card at the hospital, but we wanted to tell him our good wishes for a speedy recovery. We know this is a very hard time for you and the rest of the family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We send our love to you, and best wishes to Robert for a speedy recovery.

With love,
Lorraine and Harold


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Goulet:

My best wishes to you both for a successful transplant and speedy recovery.

It is wonderful that you have each other!

Looking forward to hearing Mr. Goulet sing until he’s way past 100,

BJ Tone


One of the nicest and most fun couples I've ever met. My parents were
holding an engagement dinner for us in '92 or '93 at a very nice restaurant
in Dallas. You probably won't remember us, but you might remember my
mother, who told you she was furious because she was pregnant and went into
labour and missed the Toronto Camelot performance my parents had been
waiting for!

Robert was so kind and such a gentleman - he and Vera chatted away with us
through the better part of dinner (you were seated next to us) and in
addition to loving your work I came away feeling as if I'd met a wonderfuly
funny and seriously unpretentious man.

Vera was the consummate lady as everyone else downed the drinks :)

My marriage didn't last but a year - I'm just now remarried and very happy
living in the mountains of Idaho. But I will always remember that wonderful
dinner and the impromptu fun we had, and what a moment that dinner became
for my mother - one of your biggest fans then - now of course you have us

We are praying for you. Your name came up at the News Station I work for in
Boise just three days ago - how strange to hear you are ill. Vera, hang in
there - my father, at the dinner I speak of, of course, died of a serious
illness in 2000 - I know he'd pass along his best wishes to you all too .

Kimberly James
KBOI Newsradio
Boise, Idaho


Dear Mr.Goulet, I am praying for you. God Speed, Mr. Goulet. Please be Well Soon!

Sincerely your fan,


Hi Vera,

My name is Matt Goulet (from Hingham, MA). My prayers and thoughts go out to Robert – I have begun to research my family tree and had no idea that Robert was originally from the Boston area. The Goulet side of my family originated from the Trois Rivieres in Quebec. When my great grandfather was young, the Goulet family moved to Northampton, MA. Do you think there is any chance that Robert and I share a distant relative?

Matthew Goulet


Good luck and God Bless, see you in concert in 10 years! :)

- Suzanne McComas


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Goulet,

I am a 38 year old father waiting for a double lung transplant through the Cleveland Clinic with a pulminary disease of my own. Although I'm still waiting ( over a year ) for my transplant, I've heard of people who had the surgery in days or weeks after being placed on the list. Be strong, have faith, and know there are a lot of us in this situation that pray he could be singing again soon. When the time comes when I get a donor I hope to be singing and dancing with my wife and children with the same time frame Mr. Goulet can regain his health and strength and continue his dreams. My family will pray for yours tonight and through out.

Christopher May


Dear Mr. & Mrs. Goulet,

My heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery are with you both. I feel so sorry that Robert is going through this terrible time. And, also, for you, Vera. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
My fondest memories as a child I owe to Robert Goulet’s “This Christmas I Spend With You” album that I cherished for many years, and have since misplaced. I cannot find the CD anywhere!
Anyway, please know I am hoping and praying for a speedy recovery for you, Mr. Goulet.

Kathryn W. Jones


I just read in the Boston Herald that the Red Sox had tried to arrange
having you sing the National Anthem and 'The Impossible Dream' for one
of the post-season games this year, but due to your hospitalization
this isn't possible this year.

Get well soon! We're going to need the voice of a native son of Red
Sox Nation to help kick off the 2007/2008 season-- after, of course,
we win the World Series this year.

Doremus Jessup


What is his blood type? Maybe I can help I have 2 only medical science knows

Norm Chesler


How can one know if they are able to donate? My thoughts and prayers to Mr. Goulet and his family! God be with you.

Paul Atkinson


I was very sad to hear of your condition. I hope everything goes well and that you are able to get the help that you need. I will say a prayer for you.

Sherrie Handler
Biloxi, Mississippi


Mr. Goulet I just wanted to add my sincere prayers and good thoughts to those who already have. I heard you sing on Westbury, LI many years ago, closed my eyes and felt your powerfull voice vibrate right thru my chest. Extraordinary gift!! My husband is also sick of me telling him, when we hear about you at times, how I got to kiss you on the cheek that same nite. He's been hearing this for 34 years. So keep in mind I'd like an update on that kiss on the cheek in the future. You will get the transplant, you'll fight back, you'll sing again and I'll get my kiss. God Bless you and your lovely wife.

Jackie Campbell
Gulf Breeze, Fl.


Dear Mrs. Goulet,I attempted to send an email to Cedars-Sinai to urge the
administrators to expedite a lung transplant for your husband,but it came
back to me...this email add'y was on the link you provided on Mr Goulets
site....I am not sure why it was returned....I will try again..My prayers
and those of many others are with you,Robert Goulet and the rest of the
family as well as the doctors and those who make decisions at the
hospital..God bless..

Rosemary Pohl,


Hi my name is william green, and i live in kirksville missouri. I am 26 and hear that mr. goulet needs a lung. i would like to see if im compatible with mr. goulet. Please respond to this email.

William Green


Dear Robert and Vera Goulet,

"... oh no, not in springtime, summer, winter or fall; no, never would I
leave you at all."

The lyrics sum up my feelings. My support, thoughts, and especially prayers
will be unwavering during your crisis. I have long been a fan of Mr.
Goulet's, since my parents (who are about his age) had several of his
recordings as I was growing up. What a voice! And I know I will soon be
listening to new Robert Goulet recordings, yet to be made.

God grant you both the strength you need to get through this trying time.

Tom Mackey
Oak Park, Illinois


I am not a very religious person, but for you and Robert I am willing to make an exception. Just when you go to church don't mention my name. It won't get you any points. You know I am thinking about you both. You both have our love and thoughts.

Carla Sue and Brad Broecker


Dear Bob,

Since we met backstage at CAMELOT, lo, those many years ago, you have always
been at the back of my mind. We may have lost touch as we went separate ways
in life, but I am distressed to hear you have IPF and hope that they find a
suitable donor for a transplant soon.

My husband was thought to have IPF about three years ago, but it proved not
to be the case, and I'm sorry your own situation is not the same as ours. I
am especially distressed for Vera, because I was in her position precisely
until we received our reprieve. I wish her strength and many friends, but I
know she needs you, just as I need Keith.

I will pray, and ask the monastery to pray, for the best possible outcome
for you and your precious wife.

With great affection and unending hope,



Mr. Goulet,

You’ve entertained me for years, and your unique talents always make me smile when I hear your name. The world needs you to get well – Godspeed.

Jason Lancaster
Denver, CO


Hello Mr. Goulet,

My name is Scott, and I had a double lung transplant in 2004 at the age of 32. Since then, I do sprint distance triathlons, box three days a week, play soccer, and ski. I wish you the best of luck finding a donor and a speedy recovery afterwards.

ps - if you happen to take up soccer after surgery, watch out for me on the field as I am a cheap shot and won't hesitate to take out a man over 70.


Scott Lui
Seattle, WA


Robert and Vera --

Sending you our best wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery. Having witnessed Robert's incredible energy and strength firsthand we know he can do anything (almost walking on the ceiling even).

Our thoughts are with you both.

Your fans,
The Perlorian Brothers
(Directors of Robert's wonderful Emerald Nuts Superbowl commercial)


I know that no person is naive too the latest news;

I read Vera's and many fans heartwarming efforts, via Robert's website, about his fight with his lung disorder.

I was pleased too see that he will get the care he deserves and that Vera is going too live each day with her husband through "just taking care of him" as she has done. That's all that any human being could hope for when they are troubled with an illness. He is probably a wonderful man and father, and is going too have many pray for his speedy recovery.

As a fan that grew up listening to many of his tributed works and dedications he has encompassed since. I do hope all prayers keep you in good spirits and help in this difficult time. Best wishes too you and your families.

The Campana Family
Sharon Springs, Upstate New York


Dear Robert and Vera,
Hopefully you will receive our e-mail along with thousands of others who are thinking of you.
My husband, Tink Robinson, performed with you years ago in Vancouver's Theatre Under the Stars.
In those days, Tink performed as a dancer (and tap dancer).
Tink and I have been married for 40 years and are still performing, giving keynotes and facilitating workshops.

We were saddened to hear of your lung condition and are holding the vision that the lung transplant you
need so desperately will happen quickly.

Robert, we have followed your career through the years. You have touched so many lives and you continue to inspire us.
We are thinking of you both and eagerly await news of your continued health. We are looking forward to hearing you sing again.

Warm wishes, love and blessings,
Judy Armstrong and Tink Robinson


Please get well soon. So many of your loved fans will be praying for you. We all want to hear your voice again. I have an 8 x 10 picture of you on my bedroom wall given to me a couple of Christmas' ago from my family and can see you whenever I'm on my computer. Best wishes for a full recovery, you're in everyone's thoughts.

Gloria Sushko, Port Charlotte, Florida


I don't know if you will remember the times in the early 90s you used to come into the Sands to The Regency Room for dinner and lean on my white grand piano and horse around with me. They are some of my fondest memories and it gives me joy to relate those stories to friends and family and tell them what a friendly and kind person you are...My thoughts and prayers are with you in your ordeal and I look forward to hearing your great voice again soon...Please give my best to Vera and God Bless You.

Buddy Nash


Robert and Vera:

I read of Robert’s condition this morning. I am so sorry to hear it! Vera, I know you have Robert’s ear. Please tell him that me, and the other guy that watched “Blue Light” (Just kidding, there were really three of us, ok, I really thought the show did not get much of a chance) are adding our prayers, to the millions of others, for a speedy full recovery.

God bless you both.
Jim Owens


Dear Mrs Goulet
Just had to send a message to say you and Robert are in my prayers. I have been a big fan for many years-since Camelot days. I hope a lung transplant is found soon so we can continue to enjoy that beautiful voice.

God Bless
Kathy Mauger
Reading, PA


the best of luck to you

i hope you get the transplant

and get back on stage and do what you do best gods speed

New Jersey


Dear Robert and Vera,

Every ounce of strength I have is devoted to thoughts and prayers for you in this difficult, if not impossible time. I pray that Robert receives the transplant in time to save his life and that beautiful voice that he has blessed us with all these years.

Vera - you've got some kind of class re: your response to Ms. Thompson. You looked beyond the anger and saw her need.

Bless you and your family.

Misty Allen
Breast Cancer Survivor


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I have always enjoyed Mr. Goulet's singing.

Nantucket, Mass.


And your family. I have always been a big fan and hope to hear him sing live again soon.

With warmest regards,






Bob and Vera, My thoughts and prayers are with you both. I know you will pull through. I've been listing to you for 40 years (since I was 8). Your Christmas album has been played in my home every year to start the season since 1975. I finally had the pleasure of seeing you perform live in Reno during the holidays two years ago. It was a dream come true. You are one of the most outstanding performers in the music industry.

Get well and I look forward to seeing you again.

God Bless
Michael W. Goode


Dear Robert,

We first bumped into each other, or rather you bumped into me, as you ran down the aisle at the Crest Theatre in Toronto in ,I think, 1959. I have followed your illustrious career with interest and believe that you and Shirley Bassey are the two great voices of my lifetime.

We're about the same age. I've been on a feeding tube since throat cancer got me in 1997, but I'm still alive and kicking and I'm sure you will be too.

I hope all goes well with the transplant and that you do get your wish of another 15 years of song.

God Bless and my best wishes to you Vera; I know the immediate future will be quite challenging.

Dave Horton


I am 48 years old and grew up with my dad listening to Roberts albums, which i have now. My kids, who are grown now, loved listening to the soundtrack of Camelot.
If only we all could say we gave pleasure to so many people for so many years.

Thank you.
Doreen Weese


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